MLB And Esurance Start Ballot Vote For All-Star Baseball Game
Apr 2015

The MLB, along with their new sponsor Esurance, have worked together in order to create an online ballot to vote on the 2015 All-Star Game and the baseball players that fans believe deserve a spot on the roster. You can already go to the MLB website and start placing your votes on which players are All-Star material.
This was done in an effort to ditch the paper ballots that were distributed at ballparks, creating a paperless online-only voting system. Due to the time of it took to create the ballots, some players are not included on them, regardless of how well they performed during the season. This is where having the ballots on the internet is such an advantage, as they can add players even if they were not present on Opening Day.
Take a look at all the players that are on the eBallots and place your vote, and maybe we can see a great baseball game with the best players in the MLB.
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