Baseball To Reform Front Office Jobs With Minorities Rule
Aug 2015

We all know how horrible the time was when the MLB commissioner was Bud Selig, but there are certain points during his tenure that stand out among the rest. What he did to baseball should be erased from history, and that is exactly what current commissioner Rob Manfred is trying to do.
Back in 1999, Selig decided it would be a good idea to make a rule about the front office hiring process, where he stated that every major league team had to interview at least one minority candidate for a managerial vacancy. This was done with good intentions, as to help with racial diversity, but backfired horribly.
This rule set in motion even more discrimination, as it was viewed that a qualified person was fit for the job based on appearance and not on skill set. From this, Manfred hired a search firm called Korn Ferry, who specialize in assisting minority candidates that reach the interview and get the job.
This way, minorites are not simply looked upon for their appearance and how their status can make the workplace more “diverse”, but rather actually hire a person that is competent and has the necessary skills to actually improve the MLB team that they are placed on.
Hopefully this new tactic will prove fruitful, as Manfred tries to improve upon that poorly thought out “Selig Rule”. This may even prompt hiring people from all backgrounds, if they are right for the job.
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